Monday 29 June 2015

Blog 4

Monday- Today in drama we started by doing some voice work to prepared ourselves for the rest of the lesson. After we had done this we split into our groups and discussed our characters. We all decided on the ages of each of the children we decided my character (Tricia) should be the oldest because the others look up to me. We also talked about costumes and props we wanted the staging to be quite simple but we needed to help the audience understand that we were school children on a bus. I need to start memorising my lines because it is not flowing which I think is the issue of it not being funny or performed properly. This was the first lesson of drama we had with Amber so it was the first time we worked out the chemistry of the group and I think it went well.

Tuesday-  We had two sets of studio time instead of ballet so we worked on solos I have nearly finished my solos now but I feel like it is missing something and I am unsure of what. I definitely found it beneficial because it got a huge block of it finished and I think I can have it finished by next week in time to show Mary. In commercial today we recapped everything we had done so far, the only part I really struggled on was the rap section as the style of movements changed however if I practice it will be easier for me to remember and perform it to the best of my ability. In the second half of studio time everyone carried on with there solos or anything else they needed to practice apart from TJ, Maddie and myself we began to work on our singing trio with Mary.  We started by singing through our solos part we learnt at home. This was very nerve racking at first because I do not have as much experience in singing compared to dance. But I think all three of us did really well and I definately feel a lot more comfortable now. We tried to start working on the harmonies we struggled with this as so parts clashed and was not correct. I am very excited to perform this in the showcase because it is different to all of my other pieces. 

Wednesday- In street today we learnt two new sections of the dance one was to a song called ‘Work’ which was a very fem style which I enjoyed I picked it up quite quickly but I think it helped but I only need to learn one of the dances because the second one to ‘peanut butter’ I have already learnt before. I really enjoyed this lesson because I enjoy the choreography and I cant wait to perform it in the show. 

Thursday- We recapped and added more choreography to modern, we started the section which is for the advance modern students so we knew it would just be us on stage so we know how is going to look on the stage. We could also get the spacing and formations correct and tight for when we combined the two groups. Today in contemporary our teacher told us he was not happy with how our dance was looking so far and he has a better idea which involved a lot more characterisation. I do prefer this to the other piece because I find it easier to create a character and have a good motivation for my performance and my other solo (Maddie) and I dance in quite a similar way which adds to the effect of the dance. This style of contemporary is more suited to me than the other one so I enjoy dancing it and find it relatively easy. After we had the choreography set he then put us into formations and danced it through a few times before the lesson ended.

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