Thursday, 2 July 2015

Rehearsal Checklist

In order of priority
Music- this is my number one priority because I can not start choreographing or creating a developed character with out music.
Mini groups- I know this will take longer than group pieces etc as we have to choreograph it and we are not as experienced as are teachers. Also we have to find the time to meet up and in operate everyone's ideas as we might not always agree.
Learn lines- I think this is a high on my list because I can not develop my character and stage drama with out knowing my lines.
Group pieces- this is not as high as the mini groups because we only have the learn the choreography however we have to rely on each other me find time to rehearse.
Solo- I can choreography this at home or college also no one else knows the choreography so if I go wrong it is not as obvious at in the group pieces.
Research characters- I find it easier to research my character after learning all of the choreography because then I can really start to develop my character.
Singing solo- there are two singing solos available in the show so if I just practice this at home I might have the opportunity of performing it.
Costume- what the costume is depends on the music and the choreography so I can not pick out a costume before all of the numbers above our achieved.
Blog throughout to keep updated and it will also help remember exactly what I had done.